Coaching & Psychotherapy
Individual Growth
Coaching/Leadership support
There are times in our lives when we long for more meaning, a clearer purpose or simply know that we have resources that we, for some reason, don’t make the most of. Together, we clarify what you want to achieve and I support you on your journey. When suitable we involve your manager in the process.
Just-in-time coaching can be what you need when you are facing a challenge, an important presentation or any other nerve-wrecking endeavor.
Coaching can also be done in smaller groups, what I call co-coaching groups.
Psychotherapy & Therapeutic Counselling
Living & relating can be pulsating and magic. But also demanding, confusing, chaotic, and lonely. And there are times when living can feel unmanageable. If you want caring and mindful assistance in reaching more clarity about yourself and your being in the world, therapeutic counselling could be what you are looking for.
I work with focussed short-term agreements (usually 8-12 sessions) as well as with longer, so called open-ended therapy.
About me